Fine Dining, New Animated Short Film Offers a Twist on a Pulp Fiction Scene
Fine Dining, a new short animated comedy film by Usher Morgan tells the tale of a tired old vampire, determined to convince his better half to abandon the path of effortless consumption and give in to their long-abandoned animal instincts in a world of blood bank bags, tooth fairies and unimaginative humans.
According to Morgan, who wrote, directed and produced the film, "Fine Dining is the result of a screenwriting challenge in which the filmmaker was asked to replace the main characters in their favorite dialogue-driven scene with folklore characters and rewrite the dialogue based on the characters they've introduced, we ended up falling in love with the script and decided to film it. The result is a moving, breathing art piece. A painting in motion."
Fine Dining was created over the course of 4 months, the entire film had to be painted and processed on a frame-by-frame basis, the film was released online on May 26th, 2017. Fine Dining stars Elyse Price, Joel Bernard and Diana Evellino. You can watch the film on YouTube by visiting the following link:
For more information, follow Fine Dining on Facebook @ and check out filmmaker Usher Morgan's Instagram page @